Friday Favs- March 17, 2023 (“Me Time”)

Good morning everyone!!! This week my “Friday Favs” post is going to be a little different… If you are new to my blog, each week on Friday I share my personal favorite items for the week. Take a look at previous “Friday Fav” posts for some things that I love! As I started off my day today I realized that I didn’t have any favorites to share from this week because I simply enjoyed a lot of “Me Time.” After stressing on what to share with you I decided my “me time” had to be my favorite thing to share for the week. In this post I want to share a little of my heart with you. If you are feeling overwhelmed and anxious, I want to share some things that helped me over the years (and this week).

This week was our school’s spring break and I have honestly enjoyed every minute of our time at home. To be honest, it was low key boring because the big boys were gone at the deer lease. I am not complaining, I love for them to have that time together! But with them gone I literally have left the house all of two times… once to go to the gym and once to go to Dollar General because I was out of sugar for my DIY St. Patrick’s Day cookies. (If you missed the recipe it’s [LINKED HERE] and it is DELICIOUS!) The week was very enjoyable even though I did NOTHING! I had no car rider lines, no sports, and I stayed up as late as I wanted and slept in until whenever I wanted. I used this time to focus on ME. If I have learned anything over the last couple years it’s the importance of “Me Time”!

I used this time for some much needed relaxation and some skin care. One of my favorite things to do is to relax in a warm bath and do my skincare routine. My daily skincare consists of all Dime Products. The Deluxe Skin Care bundle [LINKED HERE] and my dime code is is ALWAYS good for 20% off: CODE: ASHTONS20. I have been using Dime products for over a year and my skin has never looked so good. Doing my daily skincare routine has been a part of my “me time” and it’s so relaxing.


In previous years, self care was the last thing on my to do list. I was irritable and short tempered ALL THE TIME. It wasn’t until I had my first panic attack two years ago that I realized the importance of SLOWING DOWN & listening to my body. Whenever I begin to feel overwhelmed I do a few things. I either take a walk or I take a bath in the quiet- meaning, no one may bother me or ask me for anything. I do turn on some calming music which is delightful. During normal weeks I do try to be proactive and take a little time out of each day just to myself. I feel more refreshed, it helps my mood, mental clarity and over all I just feel more relaxed. Relaxation allows your mind and body to repair itself. There are so many health benefits in taking time to relax. I encourage you to take some time for yourself. Figure out what brings you joy and peace and take time to do that.


I encourage you to plan to take some time for yourself. Figure out what brings you joy and peace and take time to do that. A Few things you could do to squeeze in some “me time” are:

    • If you have a very tight schedule I highly recommend setting your alarm for 30 minutes earlier. Sleep is important, but if you want to wake up earlier for some “me time” maybe go to bed a few minutes earlier. Waking up earlier to some peace and quiet is the perfect way to start your day.
    • When I started having severe anxiety a few years ago, one thing I read could help was walking. To this day, whenever I feel overwhelmed or anxious I go for a walk and it helps me calm down and feel more centered. I recently joined the gym in our town and I make a point to go a few times a day to walk. Not only is exercise good for your mental health it’s great for your physical health as well.
    • One thing I have learned over the years is to deligate. I have recently had the boys do some daily chores which has helped keep on top of the mess and clutter around the house. Another option, if in your budget, is to hire a housekeeper to help you clean if that is something you struggle with. Asking for help with things that overwhelm you will keep you happier and give you extra time to spend on yourself.

So, when you are making your weekly to do list, prioritize yourself! Two years ago I decided to prioritize myself which has helped my relationship with my children, my husband and my own emotional well being. I hope this encourages you to focus on you! I will see yโ€™all next Friday to share my favorites for the week! I hope you love some of my favorites and I would LOVEEEE to hear YOUR OWN personal favorites for the week. 


Ashton Sedita

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