I love a good spring cleaning. It makes my soul happy. I feel like after the hustle and bustle with all the holidays back to back- Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentines, St. Patrick’s Day and Easter(wow I’m tired just typing them all). My house is in dire need of a deep spring cleaning!! I can literally hear it screaming and begging me to give it some deep soulful love! I have created the perfect “Spring Cleaning Checklist”. I have severe ADD so I need a list to help me stay focused and on task. This list is my go-to starter guide as I give my house some serious TLC!

I try to focus on one room at a time when I start to clean. In the past I would try to do “all the baseboards”, or “all the windows”. But with my ADD I felt like I was more overwhelmed because I was all over the place. So focusing on one room at a time helps me stay on task and when the room is complete, I actually feel like I have accomplished something. Another tip is DO NOT OVERWHELM yourself. Try to focus on ONE task per day. The spring season is 92 days long, so you have plenty of time to tackle this list.


Creating clean spaces in my home brings me so much joy. Not only can a decluttered space be so rewarding, it also leads to a decluttered mind. Something about clean spaces makes me so happy. I know this might sound crazy. I know everyone doesn’t see my disorganized cabinets and my dusty ceiling fans, but in my head I know. So when I get everything organized and clean it clears my mind and makes be feel refreshed (just like my home). Research has shown cluttered and dirty spaces can make you feel stressed, make it harder to focus, and make you more likely to procrastinate.


  1. Boost your happiness
  2. Increase productivity
  3. Heighten focus
  4. Decrease stress
  5. Allow for better sleep

While writing this blog post I started to think … why do they call it spring cleaning? Why do we do this in spring of all seasons? I found that spring cleaning actually dates way back to the 19th century (according to Google), and was started as a way to clean up the “winter’s mess.” Back in the day homes were heated by coal stoves and fireplaces and doors were kept shut to keep the warm air inside. That, of course, let soot and grime build up in the home during the cold months. As a result, families would do a “spring cleaning” and open up the home to let out the soot and clean up the “winter mess.”

My spring cleaning plan started because I am currently planning Christian’s 10th birthday party. If you have been following along on Tik Tok or Instagram you’ve seen all the work I’ve been tackling. I cam up with this Spring Cleaning checklist to help make sure I tackle all the tasks. I am definitely not following my own advice as I am kind of bouncing around on tasks, but there are certain ones I want to make sure are completed before the party. Many years I postpone spring cleaning until summer when I have more time, but I have clearly matured and realized why that was a terrible idea. I like to knock the cleaning out during the spring months so that I can enjoy every second of summer with my boys. In addition, with my line of work as a content creator, summer is kind of a slow time – the calm before the storm, so I like to enjoy that time of the year without worrying about cleaning!

Spring Cleaning Tools

If you need some help with tools to make your spring cleaning easy, check out my Amazon store and favorite tools for making it easy and fun! [CLICK HERE]

I hope this inspires you to create some clean spaces in your home this season! Let me know if you have any tasks you feel should be added to the checklist! Make sure you are following me on my socials as I will be sharing more details and tips for my spring cleaning checklist.


Ashton Sedita

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