



So during Quarantine I started a new family tradition. FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT… full on… at home movie theater with concessions!!! We are a movie theater obsessed family… now going on 6 months without being in a theater is seriously causing some withdraws! I truly hope we continue for years to come because we are all LOVING it and I’m loving memories we are making with the family.

Once, I decided this was happening my brain started exploding with ideas. I decided to use this for so many life lessons and practicing so many things…from math, to social skills, to savings, and so much more. So…. let me tell you how our “Sedita Cinema” works.

  • So the boys have all week to earn “movie money” for the “movie”. I have a list of chores they do during the week but they also have extra ways to earn money if they want some extra “movie money”. Reason for the movie money you ask… #1 because I think it’s fun but they have to pay for a few things. I think it’s helping them learn about the value of a dollar. We all have to pay for our: movie ticket, and anything we want from the concession stand.
  • So every week, I have a one of the boys run the “Sedita Cinema” concession stand(we rotate each week). We are practicing their social skills, customer service, money and math. So far it’s going great. In fact last week, my littlest one was the cashier and the funniest thing happened. My total was $4, I only had $3…So I tried to be sneaky and gave him only $3, but as he counted my money he got a confused look on his face and looked up at me and says,”I’ll let it slide this time”! We were all were cracking up.
  • The boys rotate weekly who the cashier is. The cashier for the movie day has to set up their display to their liking, and set up their concession stand. They have to also help clean up after the movie, as a worker would do at the end of their shift. After completing their shift they earn $5.
  • Also, another important thing we are working on is decisions. Some of my boys struggle with making decisions. So, I am giving them a few movie options (I show them trailers), and they have to pick the movie for movie night. Whoever is cashier for the day is in charge of the movie selection. I will say my oldest one is struggling with this bad, but this is exactly why we are working on it.
  • I also bought the most adorable kids cash register at IKEA so the boys could practice with the calculator if needed and it hold the boys “movie money” perfectly. Our “faux” money I just printed off Pinterest and it’s perfect.

Supplies needed for a successful MOVIE night:

  1. Favorite Movie Goodies (all your concession favorites.. drinks, candy, snacks, popcorn, pickles)
  2. Good movie.
  3. Cozy Blankets

The boys are absolutely loving this and i’m not going to lie, my husband and I are too. If you “host” your own movie night please tag me on instagram, I love to see the amazing things y’all come up with! @ashtonSedita

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One Comment

  1. Ok, you know this is my absolute favorite (this is Sara aka LiveFunFitness on IG). You have made Fridayโ€™s an already more exciting time for my (almost) 3 year old! He is obsessed with movie night and spending his โ€œmoneyโ€ on candy and popcorn! Thank you for sharing this.

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