Flawless coverage with this Makeup Brush

We all crave that flawless finish when applying your foundation! I believe that I have tried everything to give my skin that flawless finish and I have never really been satisfied with the finished look. For awhile, I applied my foundation with just my fingers because I felt like any kind of tool I used would just absorb all the product. The beauty blender, wasn’t my favorite option but I felt like it was the best with everything I had previously tried.

I found this makeup brush on Amazon and I can’t believe how incredible it truly is especially for the price! [BRUSH LINKED] I feel like I am always a skeptic when trying new things, especially when someone hypes something up. I was honestly speechless upon first use. My first impression when applying the product to the brush was “where have you been all my life!?” When I applied the foundation to the brush it just sat right on top. With other brushes I have used in the past, most the product begins to seep downward. I even put it to the test one day and let the foundation sit there for like 20 minutes, it didn’t budge or seep down into the brush. It literally just stayed right on top where I applied it.

So, after being insanely impressed by that, I couldn’t wait to apply the foundation to my skin using the brush. Upon application it just glided across my skin like butter and left my skin looking incredibly flawless. I don’t need to use even half of the product I normally used because all of the foundation actually goes on my skin and not on the tool I was using! It’s mind blowing! I love how small the brush is and how easy it is to use. They offer multiple colors as well. This brush has become a must have and staple in my makeup caboodle.

I loving share my new favorite finds with y’all and I hope y’all love this brush as much as I do! Let me know if you try it and what you think! See you next time!


Ashton Sedita

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